Friday 14 October 2016

Bubble and squeak

Also filed under 'things I can eat'...

To modify this recipe you can use sweet potato instead of white potatoes. You can also veg-ify it by substituting vegetarian/vegan sausages and dairy-free margarine

Bubble and Squeak
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Left over boiled cabbage, carrots, parsnips, sausages (already cooked and chopped)
  • Mushrooms and onion (chopped)
  • 1-2 eggs (optional) 
  • gravy or ketchup (optional)

  1. Put a large blob of butter (or whatever vegan alternative) in a frying pan and heat until it bubbles
  2. Drop in the onion and soften for a few minutes, then add the mushroom and soften that, too
  3. Add the  leftover chopped veggies and sausage and heat for a minute or two
  4. Drop in the mashed potatoes and mix with veggie mixture already in pan
  5. Press down the mixture with a spatula to brown and heat through
  6. Turn over and keep heating through and until the edges brown
  7. To make it really yummy crack an egg or two over-top in the last few minutes and let it set 
  8. Serve with a bit of gravy or ketchup

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